Behavioral analysis

Put yourself in a specific situation (e.g. manager, team member, family…). Answer all the questions for the same situation. Read the four statements per group and decide which statement applies to you most, second most, third most and least in this situation. Put the statements in the order you prefer. top: most, bottom: least.

r: I strive for quick results g: I persevere with the work I have started y: I work with enthusiasm b: I work in a disciplined manner r: I can also make unpleasant decisions quickly b: I analyze all the facts before I make a decision g: I involve others in my decisions y: I make decisions spontaneously and hope for good results y: I like to communicate and can inspire others r: I communicate the most important things briefly and succinctly b: I communicate precisely with lots of facts g: I communicate calmly and am interested in other opinions r: I speak clearly and with a definite voice b: I speak thoughtfully g: I speak calmly and with a focus on harmony y: I can inspire others b: I like to work alone g: I like working in a team y: I want work to be fun r: I want the work to be done quickly r: I can listen patiently y: I have little patience for listening g: I contribute my experience to the conversation b: I am mainly interested in factual topics r: I delegate so that I can concentrate on the essentials g: I don't like to delegate because I don't like to burden others with work b: I don't like to delegate because I feel responsible for quality y: I delegate so that I am free for new things r: I communicate openly and directly so that things happen quickly b: I like to communicate in writing so that there are no misunderstandings g: I communicate in a relaxed conversation so that everyone participates y: I communicate enthusiastically so that others are moved b: I am cautious and critical of new ideas r: I know that new ideas are important and I am open to them y: I often need new ideas to keep my motivation high g: I need time to become friends with new ideas b: I check delegated tasks to make sure they are done properly y: I do not check delegated tasks because it is not necessary r: I check delegated tasks to ensure that objectives are achieved g: I don't like to check delegated tasks because it could communicate mistrust g: I try to create harmony in conflicts b: I try to argue objectively in conflicts r: I deal with conflicts openly and directly y: I think conflicts are simply part of everyday life y: I like speaking in front of an audience and enjoy the applause g: I like speaking in a group where a dialog is possible r: I speak in front of an audience to make a difference b: I speak in front of an audience to explain something b: I need a working environment that allows concentrated work g: I need a working environment that enables social contact y: I need a working environment with a positive working atmosphere r: I need a working environment that enables quick results b: I like to work according to defined work processes y: I feel restricted by defined work processes g: I like to work according to proven methods r: I like to work with clear goals r: I have clear goals and know what I want y: I like to develop visions that spur me on g: I like to talk about our visions and goals as a team b: I need goals to be able to plan my work y: I am cheerful r: I am energetic b: I am precise g: I am balanced r: I like to tackle things g: I am helpful b: I join in when it makes sense y: I am quickly enthusiastic b: I keep clear accounts of my money y: I am generous and spend money effortlessly r: I use my money where it will do the most good g: I seek advice from others before I invest r: I value impact g: I value harmony y: I value variety b: I value details


Task-oriented, results-oriented, independent, strong-willed, practical, fast, energetic, self-confident, goal-oriented, solves problems


People-oriented, optimistic, emotional, enthusiastic, talkative, full of ideas, generous, influential, motivating, intuitive


Task-oriented, precise, systematic, careful, persistent, serious, detail-oriented, controlled, analytical, thorough


People-oriented, harmonious, compassionate, consistent, reserved, loyal, supportive, team player, reliable, patient

Explanation of the diagram

In the books “The 10 commandments for entrepreneurs” and “My profession – tailor-made” there are many further explanations of the personality diagrams.

To make it easier to understand, it refers to tigers (red), monkeys (yellow), elephants (green) and ants (blue). And of course there are practical tips for different areas of life.